Moon Magic eBook

moon phases

Ever wanted to know more about the moon's phases and how to be a witchy bish with them?

Look no further, you cosmic queen!

If you are curious about the moon and ever:

🌙 Wanted to know how to manifest shit in line with the moon?

🌙 Needed to know how to do rituals in the best way for your busy, modern life?

🌙 Craved more magical self-care?

If you answered yes to any of these, then you absolutely need this book.

If you said no to all of these, and think this is all a bunch of woo-bullshit, then why are you here, Bish?!

Because maybe you DO want a bit more magick in your life…

Go on, pop your email in.

I won’t tell anyone. 🤐

I’ll let you know when the free book is turned into awesome things, like a journal and planner, and the physical book when it comes out too!

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