About Carla-Jayne

Mindset Mystic & Tarot Reader

I am a Mindset Mystic, Tarot Reader (and teacher), and certified life coach.

I help you to overcome limiting beliefs, procrastination and impostor syndrome by coaching you on how to quiet the ego and listen to your spirit, reclaim your self-worth to set better boundaries, and own your authenticity!

Ready to make quick, clear decisions without overwhelm?

All set to start kicking ass and living your life purpose, without fannying around like a headless chicken?

Eager to do things for you, whilst shedding any BS guilt surrounding that?

Ready to let your Witch Flag fly?

Let’s talk.

I’m a sweary Mermicorn-Rex who empowers Cosmic Queens to embody their mojo, create laser-sharp focus towards fulfilment and add some witchy sparkle to their dreams with spiritual coaching and sassy AF Tarot guidance!

If you don’t like being motivated to do the inner work,
If you don’t like being called out, (by me or the cards)
If you don’t like lots of swearing,
…I’m probably not the coach you seek.

If that sounds like the ride you want to get on and go WHEEEEEEE with your hands in the air, get in touch Queen!

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