Shadow Work Mini Course

Shadow Work!

It does NOT have to be scary.

It's simply the parts of us that we choose to ignore, neglect or disregard because we feel it is the

Dark Side,

the Unspoken of,

the "S/He Who Must Not Be Named." 

When in fact, the shadow IS us. It's just not yet integrated and helping you to move forward in your life.

So let it. 

Let this course guide you to begin your journey with shadow work. 

You'll learn what Shadow Work is and how it came about, and some very helpful techniques to really learn more about yourself as a whole!

When you buy this course,

you are taking your first step to finding more self-awareness,

more clarity on what blocks you,

and finally learning how to accept all parts of yourself. 

This mini course is originally part of the BS to Bewitching Sisterhood where you get the full Limiting Beliefs module and all spiritual expansion lessons!

2 Modules

Shadow Work Mini Course

What you need to know about starting your shadow work journey

Rewiring Limiting Beliefs

Once you've uncovered your shadows, its time to rewire those BS beliefs!

Modules for this product 2
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 Shadow Work Mini Course
 $ 44.00 USD

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